Nankai Group in California is currently the leading importer of honkaku kokuto shochu in the United States. Founded by Paul and Mai Nakayama, the company imports two kokuto shochu expressions produced by Machida Shuzo on Amami Oshima in Southern Japan. While the standard expression, Nankai Shochu, has had its fair share of success on the spirits competition circuit, it's the … [Read more...]
List of Amami Kokuto Shochu Distilleries
Here are the 28 distilleries making kokuto shochu in the Amami Islands (Kagoshima Prefecture). The distilleries are spread across five separate islands in the Amami chain. They are listed alphabetically here. Most of these distilleries are not easily accessible without a car. Fortunately, most of these places have at least one guest parking space available. Want a more … [Read more...]
Tsukimino (Kanagawa Pref.): Live Amami Islands Music
Take in a live performance of Amami Islands songs while sipping on Brown Sugar shochu at Kenmun in Kanagawa Prefecture! Doors open at 6:30 PM, Event starts at 7:00 PM. ¥4,500 gets you entertainment, good food, and a three hour nomihoudai deal! Email for reservations: masashi [d o t] amami [a t] gmail [d o t] com … [Read more...]