9 PM EST Wednesday is our weekly Shochu'sday Happy Hour on Instagram Live! [10 AM Wednesday in Japan] This week Joshin Atone, brand manager of the new SG Shochu line, will join us to talk about their new products and how they plan to help shochu spread internationally. The chat will be hosted live here: https://www.instagram.com/christopherpellegrini/ Kanpai! … [Read more...]
Three Ms Tasting Sheet
This sheet pits three heavyweights against each other--the three Ms. They are none other than Mori'izou, Murao, and Maou (no disrespect intended to the fourth M, Manzen). These three imo shochu from Kagoshima Prefecture are placed side by side not only because they're some of the most famous labels in the industry, but also because they feature differing production styles. … [Read more...]