November 1st is the semi-official start of the distilling season in Kyushu and Okinawa. Most distilleries are already cranking away well before that time, but the day has nevertheless been anointed "Honkaku Shochu and Awamori Day." And what a day it is! There are events all across Japan to commemorate Japan's indigenous spirits, all of which involve some volume of drinking … [Read more...]
Satsuma Shuzo Debuts “Jan,” a Shochu for Sushi
November 1st was Honkaku Shochu and Awamori Day, and we here at Shochu Pro hope you were able to enjoy a glass or two that evening. But did you know that the first was also Sushi Day? Well, the good folks at Satsuma Shuzo certainly did. And they planned way ahead. Enter "Jan" (両 / じゃん), the sweet potato shochu that is distilled and aged to pair easily with all manner … [Read more...]